A curated feed of peer-reviewed published literature about and related to design and design education.


Design Studies
A leading international interdisciplinary journal concerned with design processes and design activity.


Thinking Skills and Creativity
A leading international journal informing on issues about thinking and creativity as they relate to learning and teaching.


International Journal of Design
An open-access journal seeking to fosters knowledge transfer, related to design practices, between academia and industry in all fields of design.


Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
An APA journal focused on empirical research related to the psychology of aesthetics, creativity and the arts.

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International Journal of Art & Design Education
A journal featuring a wide range of research in the field of creative education.


International Journal of Technology and Design Education
A journal featuring research that covers all aspects of technology and design education.


Design Science
An international journal featuring science-based design knowledge from diverse fields.